Barkway (1762)

Thur. 7.-Abundance of them came again at five and drank in every word. Here also many followed me into the house and hardly knew how to part. At nine I preached at Steeple Bumpstead, three miles from Haverhill, to a considerably larger congregation; and all were serious. Hence we rode for Barkway, four miles from Royston. The preaching-place was exceeding large, yet it was well filled, and the people were wedged in as close as possible. And many of them found that God was there, to their unspeakable comfort.

Hence we rode to Barley, where I preached at one. A middle-aged woman dropped down at my side and cried aloud for mercy. It was not long before God put a new song in her mouth. At six in the evening, and I preached at Melbourne. Here too God both wounded and healed. I laid hold, after forgotten, on a poor backslider, who quickly melted into tears, and determined to return once more to Him from whom she had deeply revolted.

John Wesley's Journal 7th January 1762.

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Location unknown.

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