Crrickfergus (1878)

Here our evangelists have been at work for nearly five weeks in a tent seated for 400. The accompanying letter from the Baptist minister, who has been long praying for blessing up that town, will be read with interest:-

"The evangelists here have been a means of great blessing to many poor sinners who have found peace with God; many more are earnestly seeking. There are about 550 crowded into the tent every night, and on Sunday I heard of some going away who could not get in. Under these circumstances, I think you should not take away the tent and the evangelists. I think  Almost all prejudice has been broken down; do allow them to stay."
Yours very truly,

"On Tuesday evening the crowd was more than double the capacity of the tent, whereupon the Presbyterian minister opened his church which seats 1,000 persons and it was completely filled, some having to sit on forms brought into the aisles; and the after-meeting, which was held in the tent, revealed such a number of inquiring hearts that the workers amongst them were unable to speak to a large number of them, whilst very many, thank God, found rest that night.
Dundalk, May 31.

"The Christian," June 6th, 1878.

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