Poole - Phoebe Palmer (1860)

A correspondent of the revival paper, published in London, says, — “During the past twenty-one days, a remarkable work of God has been going on in Poole. Many professed followers of Christ have been awakened to see the need of greater devotedness to the service of their Master; and many, who have heretofore been strangers to the commonwealth of Israel, have professed faith in Christ. Not less than three hundred, it is believed, within the past two weeks, have been made joyful witnesses of God’s saving mercy. The agency recognised in this great work is Dr. and Mrs. Palmer, from America, who were induced to visit the place. But no one in attendance on the services could feel otherwise than that the one great moving and impelling power was the Holy Spirit, energizing the people of God, and causing truth to be felt in its deep spirituality in the awakening of sinners and the sanctification of believers. Very little noise or confusion has prevailed, but one or two cases of prostration. The meetings have been conducted with great solemnity and power, while saints and sinners feel, ‘Lo! God is in this place.”

From, "Four Years in the Old World," page 332, by Phoebe Palmer.

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Location unknown.

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