Bethesda Methodist Chapel - Llanrhaeadr-Ym-Mochnant (1904-1905)

I think that readers of the GOLEUAD will be pleased to know that the wave of the Revival has reached these areas. We had here a most pleasant meeting of the Association in every sense, I think it made a profound impression throughout, and did much to prepare the ground. But the last three weeks have been wondrous ones. Prayer meetings were held here in all the chapels; almost every evening. On the first Sunday of the month a united, missionary prayer meeting was held, but it was very cold, and the attendance disappointed some of us. In the end, the secretary called attention to this, and to what was felt so passionately in some places, and stated his desire to receive the same influences, and also his concern that the report might pass by without being received in rural areas. Feeling this, he invited brothers and sisters who felt the same to join him for a prayer meeting in the MC room at 2.30 the following Wednesday afternoon, and to our joy a good congregation assembled, and they have been retained every afternoon since then, and have increased in strength and intensity every day and the one last Saturday was for some of us the most wonderful meeting in our lives, since the influence was so overwhelming. There are meetings in each chapel separately until the Friday evening, when there was a united meeting. It was arranged to go in procession through the streets; but as it was very wet and unpleasant weather, some questioned the wisdom of this. But when the congregation was asked for their opinion and feeling, they rose en masse and the procession, 300 to 400 strong, went out, singing. It returned to the (MC) chapel, and was there till almost ten. After that, the young people insisted on a meeting, and there was an excellent one until midnight. There was a wonderful Sabbath here and the Sunday School was cancelled and we united in a prayer meeting, which was a remarkable one. There were prayer meetings before and after every service in each chapel. In the chapels, at prayer, is where people want to be!

Goleuad - 30th December 1904


The revival has been the chief event in this neighbourhood for nearly a month, and the great change for good that has come over the churches, especially the young people, is remarkable. Three meetings are still held daily, with great success.

From, 'The Cardigan County Times', 7th January 1905.


The Revival is in this area in its power and its influence, and has grown greatly in strength in many of the surrounding areas during recent weeks.  Surely, no one ever saw one like this. A day of thanksgiving for the Revival; a day of thanksgiving for the harvest of the soul. It was felt it would be fitting to have a whole day of thanksgiving, and it was arranged before the farmers’ busy days. The morning meeting was held in the Tabernacle chapel (I), and the afternoon meeting was in Bethesda chapel (MC). There was an excellent meeting in the morning, but in the afternoon the influence was sometimes fearful. There was a procession through the streets between the afternoon and evening meetings, surely the largest procession there had ever been there – an estimate of 800 would not be far off the mark. As there was no building large enough to hold everyone, the evening congregation had to be divided, and Tabernacle chapel (I), and the Wesleyan chapel room were both full. There were excellent meetings at both venues, but as might have been expected, a great deal of enthusiasm and effectiveness was lost by having to split the congregation. We intend continuing the prayer meetings over future weeks. The meetings have included some of the most remarkable conversions and some of the most wonderful praying in Wales. At the Friday meetings, people came from all the surrounding areas from a distance of five miles and more, to give thanks, and we understand that these thanksgiving meetings are still being held in various places. ‘The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.’

Goleuad - 10th March 1905.

Additional Information

Tybiaf mai da gan ddarllenwyr y GALEUAD ddeall fod ton y Diwygiad wedi cyraedd yr ardaloedd hyn. Fe gaed yma Gymdeithasfa o'r fwyaf dymunol ymhob ystyr, credaf fod argraff ddwys wedi ei wneyd drwyddi, a gwnaeth ran fawr mewn arloesi y tir. Ond y mae y tair wythnos ddiweddaf wedi bod yn rhai rhyfedd. Cynhelid yma gyfarfod gweddiau yn yr oll o'r capelau; bron bob nos. Y Sul cyntaf o'r mis cynhelid cyfarfod gweddi undebol, cenhadol, ond oer iawn ydoedd, a'r cynulliad yn siomedig i rai o honom. Ar ei ddiwedd, galwodd yr ysgrifenydd syhw at y peth, ac at yr hyn deimlid mor angerddol mewn rhai manau, a datganai ei awydd am gael yr un dylanwadau, ac hefyd ei bryder rhag ofn i'r son fyned hebio heb i ranau gwledig ei chael. Yn y teimlad hwnw gwahoddodd frodyr a chwiorydd deimlai fel yntau ei gyfarfod mewn cyfarfod gweddi yn ystafell M.C. am 2.30 prydnawn Mercher dilynol, ac er ein llawenydd daeth cynulleidfa dda ynghyd, ac y maent wedi cael eu cadw bob prydnawn er hyny, ac yn ychwanegu mewn nerth a dwysder bob dydd ac yr oedd un y Sadwrn diweddaf i rai o honom yn gyfarfod rhyfeddaf ein hoes, gan mor llethol yr oedd y dylanwad. Yr oedd cyfarfodydd ymhob capel ar wahan hyd nos Wener, pryd y caed un undebol. Yr oeddis wedi trefnu i fyned yn orymdaith drwy yr heolydd; ond gan ei bod yn hynod wlyb a budr. amheuai rhai ddoethineb hyny. Ond pan y gofynwyd barn a theimlad y gynulleidfa, codasant yn llu ar eu traed, ac aed allan dan ganu yr orymdaith gref o 300 i 400, a dychwelwyd i'r capel (M.C.), a buwyd ynddo hyd yn agos i ddeg. Mynodd y bobl ieuainc gyfarfod wedyn, a chaed un hynod hyd haner nos. Caed Sabbath rhyfedd yma, a rhoddwyd yr Ysgol Sul i fyny, ac unwyd mewn cyfarfod gweddi, a chaed cyfarfod hynod. Yr oedd cyfarfodydd gweddiau o flaen ac ar ol bob gwasanaeth ymhob capel. Yn y capelau yn gweddio y myn y bobl fod!  

Goleuad - 30th December 1904


Y mae y Diwygiad yn ei nerth a'i ddylanwad yn yr ardal hon, ac y mae wedi cryfhau yn ddirfawr mewn llawer o'r ardaloedd cylchynol yn ystod yr wythnosau diweddaf. Yn ddiau, ni welodd neb erioed yr un fel hwn. Dydd o diolchgarwch am y Diwygiad, Dydd diolchgarwch am gynhauaf yr enaid." Teimlid mai priodol fyddai cael diwrnod cyfan i ddiolch, a threfnid ef cyn dyddiau prysur yr amaethwyr. Cynhaliwyd cyfarfod y bore yn nghapel Tabernacl (A), a'r prydnawn yn nghapel Bethesda (M.C.). Caed cyfarfod rhagorol y bore, ond am y prydnawn, yr oedd y dylanwad ar brydiau yn ofnadwy. Gorymdeithiwyd drwy yr heolydd rhwng cyfarfod y prydnawn a'r nos, a chaed yr orymdaith fwyaf yn ddiau fu yn y lie erioed-—ni buasai amcangyfrif o 800 yn bell oddiwrth y marc. Gan nad oedd adeilad ddigon yn y lie i gynwys yr oll, bu raid rhanu y gynulleidfa y nos, a llanwyd capel Tabernacl (A.), ac ystafell capel y Wesleyaid. Caed cyfarfodydd rhagorol yn y naill Ie a'r llall, ond fel y gallesid tybio, collwyd cryn lawer o frwdfrydedd ac effeithiolrwydd drwy orfod rhanu. Bwriedir cario ymlaen y cyfarfodydd gweddiau eto yr wythnosau dyfodol. Ceir yma rai o'r troedigaethau hynotaf, a rhai o'r gweddiwyr rhyfeddaf yn Nghymru. Yn nghyfarfodydd dydd Gwener gwelid pobl o'r holl ardaloedd o gylch pum' milldir ac ychwaneg wedi dod i gyd. i ddiolch, a deallwn y bydd y cyfarfodydd diolch hyn yn cael eu cynal eto mewn amryw leoedd. 'Yr Arglwydd a wnaeth i ni bethau mawrion, am hyny yr ydym yn llawen.'

Goleuad - 10th March 1905.

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