Stroud - Salvation Army (1879)

This is a monthly report from the Salvation Army station here.

WE have had hard fighting, but God has given us the victory. We have had a visit from the Happy Family, and our Brother MabbItt from Salisbury, which was a time of great spiritual blessing. Over forty professed to find the Pearl of Great Price. As we stood by the lodging-house on Sunday afternoon, the brass band playing and several talking for Jesus, I noticed a young man who I thought had no business there. He was at the hall at night, completely broken down, but could not find peace. The Monday was a great feast, and he was going to sing and play on his banjo. He went, and as he played the tears washed the black off his face, as he was blacked like a negro. He had to come home and to the hall with his young wife; he wept bitterly, wetting the ground with his tears. He went away, the devil trying him about how he should get a living, But praise God he got the victory through the blood; has been to every meeting since and spoke for Jesus. He says he was never so happy before. Our first tea on Bank Holiday was a good one. Our dear friend Mr Opie Rodway, with several other gentlemen feeling interested in the work, have come to our help.  

From, 'The Salvationist', September 1879, page 239. 

Mr Opie Rodway writes as follows-

How rejoiced I am that I urged you to send some of your people to this town., with the hope of reaching the masses, which all denominations have failed to do before. Thanks be to God, many that have been low down in the mire of sin have by God's grace been lifted up and are now night after night attending the Salvation Hall instead of the public houses. God has greatly blessed the labourers you sent. They have been eminently successful and I can assure you the work has far exceeded my highest expectations.

I have remained at home most of the time to render what little help I could, and have been so glad night after night to see sinners coming to Jesus; one night twenty-one professed to find Jesus, and nineteen the night before. If the Lord goes on to work in this way, it must shut the mouths of those professing Christians who speak against it. You know I do not go in with everything your people do and say, but from my heart I wish them God speed, and when I see anyone in earnest work for souls and depending on God's Spirit for help, I would do or say nothing to hinder in any way such a glorious work. Many dear Christians in this town I know rejoice at the good work going on and I am sure the Salvation Army have the prayers of many of God's people belonging to the various denominations in this town.

From, 'The Salvationist', October 1879, page 269.

 Praise God! Victory is ours through the Blood of the Lamb. God is saving by families; we have father, mother, daughter, three brothers, and two of their wives on their happy way to heaven. Husbands and wives, and not a few glory to God have also started for the kingdom. Oh, hallelujah! drunkards are being made sober; we have had 123 sign the temperance pledge. Our class, glory to God, increases every week-it now numbers 125, we are rising and the work of God is reviving.

From, 'The Salvationist', November 1879, page 301.

For future reports see 'The War Cry' which began January 1880.

Additional Information

I do not know where the meetings were held.

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