Oldham - Primitive Methodists (1822)

On the 19th of May, 1822, a powerful camp-meeting was held near Oldham, which is thus described by one present: “We had only one preaching stand in the morning; but in the afternoon we were under the necessity of having two, fourteen thousand persons, it was supposed, being present. In the course of the day a number of sermons were preached, a variety of exhortations were delivered, and several anecdotes related, all of which were attended with extraordinary effect Solemnity seemed to rest upon the people, and hundreds were frequently bathed in tears. We had five praying companies, besides two others in which continual prayer was made for penitents for about three hours. About forty souls were brought to God, and I may safely say that hundreds 'were made sensible of their lost state.”

From, ‘The History of the Primitive Methodist Connexion from its origin, by John Petty, 1860, p139


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Location unknown.

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