Bidford-on-Avon (1864)

Dear sir, - feeling anxious for God’s glory and prosperity of his church, I thought a few lines to show His glorious working the last three months among poor sinners in saving souls would be acceptable and encouraging to every section of the Christian church, and especially to every layman that has his heart in the great work, and has the means of paying his own expenses to any place where God may open the door for him to preach Jesus and seek the salvation of souls. A few weeks back, we had special services for eight days, near Coventry, including the two Sundays – three services each Sunday, and every night and midday. Souls were saved every day through the precious blood of the Lamb. A most blessed awakening took place; some came from distant villages every night, got a blessing from on high and went home rejoicing and several more have found peace through believing since the services ended.

At Bidford also, near Evesham, we held some 12 or more services in eight days: congregations good; much larger than usual; a good spirit of hearing; the heart softening, soul converting power of God came down upon the people like the gentle rain upon the new-mown grass; no noise, no violent weeping, but a gentle, subduing, drawing influence, leading many souls of all ages to Jesus. By His love they were attracted to the cross, found salvation there, and are now rejoicing in his pardoning mercy.

At Evesham, the same number of special services. Good congregations every night; most felt the word with power; believers were quickened, many backsliders restored and many of all ages saved, and could testify to the pardon through the precious blood. One young woman returned home, determined to do, as she had heard that others had done – not to go to rest until she obtained the pardon. She prayed on until God did for Christ's sake pardon all her sins. She’s rose up so happy in the morning, she could scarce contain herself. We had testimony of many blessed results of the quickening part of the Holy Spirit and grace of God through faith in Jesus.

At Broadway, near Evesham, eight days more special services. Every day and night many attended and the most glorious outpouring of the Holy Spirit; one night 17 adults went home rejoicing in Jesus. An aged sister that had been a member forty years, but had lost the evidence of God's pardoning love, wished I should go home with her after the midday meeting. I did, and there she obtained afresh the Holy Spirit's witness to her adoption. At the evening service, when seekers were invited up, that we might pray for them and help them to Jesus. She came at once to return thanks to God for His mercy. Her daughter, who had found peace and some of her children, let the father, 79 years old, up to seek the same blessing.  The Lord kindly spoke peace to his troubled heart. It was affecting sight, the aged sinner of 79, the young sinner of 13, kneeling near him, and many more, all bringing their burden of sin to Jesus; and He blessed them all, old and young, with the joy of salvation. Another night, some 20 came out of the congregation as soon as the seekers were invited up to the communion rails. All knelt down there and around to return God thanks for saving them the night before. Such a sight I cannot describe it! All praise to God. Nearly all young men and women from 17 to 40 years of age, but most from 17 to 30. In the eight days we had all kinds of sinners saved – drunkards, swearers, harlots, backsliders, as well as more refined sinners; and some 10 children from 10 to 16 years old obtained a blessing. On the afternoon of the last Sunday, such a scene of hallowed joy took place as will never be forgotten by those that were present. 40 spoke at the fellowship meeting in 45 minutes. Such blessed testimony to the pardoning mercy of God through the precious blood of Jesus from all ages I never witnessed. 30 adults gave their names to become members of the church of Christ.  Much more might be said of what transpired, of thrilling interest to all lovers of Christ's kingdom. May God in mercy keep them as under the shadow of His Almighty wing and carry on His work more and more, to whom be all the glory.

"The Revival," January 26th, 1865.

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