Scarborough (1864)

Dear brother, in Jesus (Edward Usher) – this evening, we gather the converts together for a cup of tea and to leave a parting word with them, although we do not leave until Monday next as we have the theatre for Sunday again. We then call at Hull and a place called South Cave for a few meetings on the way to Stratford.

This work at Scarborough surpasses all yet for the past three weeks. It is a wonder to the whole town. Rich and poor are converted and are looking at one another in amazement to see the extraordinary change which has passed over the vilest characters known here.

You remember three years ago I was on my way here and the Lord sent me to Preston and then into Devonshire. It was not the time then; but now the souls are like ripe fruit, ready to be gathered. The spirit of God is moving through Yorkshire and scores of evangelists might find fields of labour there.  


"The Revival," April 21st, 1864.

I’m replying to take up the narrative of the doings here, at the point, where our brother J. Hambleton, in his letter to Edward Usher leaves off. I know the jealousy of the former, lest anything should be said of his services which might tend to elevate the creature and attract from the truth and glory of God.

The tea meeting he mentions did take place and more than 100 persons were present and nearly all young converts. Various precious and deeply interesting were the testimonies borne by these dear young people to the all powerful workings of God's Holy Spirit in their hearts, and to the cleansing efficacy of the blood of Jesus. Prizefighters, blasphemers, and sinners, almost every grade, young, aged, and middle-aged, were to be seen clothed and in their right mind, sitting at the feet of Jesus and many of them testifying what God had done for their souls. It was a sweetly solemn season – the quietude and gravity that spread over us at first, succeeded by the hymns of praise and the tribute of Thanksgiving. The various speakers – the youth and maidens, and the more mature; the striking, various, yet equally efficacious manner in which the spread of Jesus had worked, were cause for admiration and wonder; and ever in our midst, whilst the sound of praise was heard, the power of the eternal Spirit was breathing love and joy into hearts, that but a while before was full of a trembling and fear.

Meetings like these, having like results, have been the fruits of the Lord’s work here, through the instrumentality of the loving labours of our brothers, Hambleton and Morehouse. The Theatre, the Bethel, et cetera, have been crowded to excess and on the beach thousands have been gathered. It has indeed been a time to be remembered, leaving a savour behind it, and causing many hearts to rejoice with prayer and Thanksgiving.

Our whole population seems to be stirred, and a new life to have been begun among the people which I trust will continue to spread its influence around.

"The Revival," May 5th, 1864.

Since last I wrote you, the work of evangelising has gone on most successfully here. The Theatre continues to be well attended, also the Bethel-room in the harbour. But the crowning place for preaching the gospel is the beach on the Lord's-day, where multitudes gather around us. It is a most interesting sight-seeing the earnestness of the people as the stand grouped on the sands, the harbour, shipping and open sea in front of us, and the town rising step by step behind us whilst the preacher stands upon a fishing boat turned bottom up, which some kind fisherman had thus placed for our accomodation. Deeply as many of the friends of Jesus had been convinced that an open door for preaching the gospel existed in Scarborough, they were not prepared for that hearty reception of the truth which has taken place, and a band of converts of nearly all ages, attests the power of which has attended the preaching of the living Word. The beautiful traits of love which are continually presenting themselves in the opening characters of these newly gathered converts and the sweet, cementing influence of the Saviour's love, which is seen to bind them together are daily proofs of the power of the gospel, and of their care to walk with Jesus. Since our brother J Latham left us, we have had our brother Wm. Day, and the field has been occupied since then by our brother Edw. Usher. The blessing of salvation continues to be manifested at every meeting. We are looking for the Lord to send other labourers, and I ask your readers to remember Scarborough and its need in their daily approaches to the throne of grace. Truly there is a great work begun here and yet it seems to be only begun. When it is known that the Spa season has commenced and that our population will, in all probability, for the next four months, average thirty thousand, it will easily be seen how large is the field of labour, and that, too, among a pleasure-seeking people on
the one hand, and money-seeking people on the other. Nor is the labour light. Satan rages. As a proof, one of our con-
verts was taken by his follow-workmen and bound hand and foot until he should swear; and but the other evening, whilst preaching at the Market-cross, the evangelist was beset by Roman Irishmen who are in numbers here; but over all.
blessed be God, the Lord Jesus and Him crucified was exalted and He gave the victory. Nor is this all that we have to encounter. We have had an open-air preacher, using freely the names of our brethren R. Weaver and J. Hambleton, and seeking to identify himself with us for the purpose of making a collection in the crowd. To these may be added open-air preaching of the now prevalent doctrine of the non-eternity of punishment, a doctrine dangerous and confusing to young converts. Your readers will see by what I have now stated how great is the work, how much there is to contend with, and of the need of those engaged in it watching unto prayer. What wiles the arch-fiend uses to defeat the spreading of the knowledge of salvation through the Lord Jesus, and I hope that we shall have the prayers of all those who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, and desire the spread of His Kingdom, that the Lord of the harvest will be pleased to supply all our need, and send other labourers into the fields hereabout, which, truly, are "white unto harvest."

"The Revival," June 23rd, 1864.

We are a band of those our Lord and Master came to seek and to save once afar but bought with a price even the precious blood of Jesus. Since we opened the Bethesda room the Lord has been pleased to own our humble efforts seeking to bring sinners to Jesus and we have got the names of above 120, most of whom are more than twenty years of age who profess to have found peace in our once crucified, but now risen and glorified Lord. The seed of the kingdom has indeed not fallen on stony ground for many of the converts are those who awhile ago would have thought little of imbruing their hands in the life-blood of a fallen creature. Your readers will praise the Lord with us that many have been plucked as brands from the burning and now sit in heavenly places with Christ Jesus.

"The Revival," March 16th, 1865.

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