York - Salvation Army (1881)

During the week I received orders to go to York, so off I went. Arrived just-in-time to see two van loads of soldiers ready to start and we drove away singing.

As we marched or rather rode, all round the city, crowds of people followed to the Rink and we had a grand Free and Easy.

It is hardly possible to believe that this place has only been opened a fortnight when you hear the soldiers sing and speak for Jesus as they do. God has indeed blessed captain Malthouse and left lieutenant Simpson in their labours here. Glory to His name.

...Many testified to God's saving power, some who had been deep down in sin. We finished up with 7 souls in the Fountain.

Sunday morning 172 at knee drill; powerful time; three souls. At 9:45 on march from the Rink to the Market, 54 in the ranks hallelujah! And had a good open-air. Inside a good time in the afternoon; two souls. Met at 5:30 in the Rink and into the Market again. Thousands of people stood to listen to the story of the Cross.

We then divided our forces. Number one battery to the Rink where we had the devil raging and God saving; grand meeting and at the close 30 souls came out and got blessedly saved.

Number two battery at Victoria Hall where like the Rink they were crowded out. Had 15 precious souls, making 50 for the day.

From, 'The War Cry', August 1881.

This is just one example of what was happening here. More reports can be seen from the War Cry in future years.

Additional Information

I do not know where the meetings were held.

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