Burton-on-Trent (1876)

Meetings were continued for three weeks, the preacher being Mr W. Taylor. We have received other accounts which show that a widespread and unmistakable work of grace is in progress.

Speaking of the incidents of the meetings a writer says: 

One notable instance is that of a man who had been under deep concern some days when he could bear it no longer, and he fell on his knees in the brewhouse, surrounded by his fellow workmen and obtained peace there and then. Another case is that of a young lady assistant in one of the shops, who burst into tears whilst standing behind the counter when a friend spoke to her and pointed her to Christ.

The whole of the known converts are being visited, and asked the church they intend to join; when this is completed, a list of the names and addresses will be supplied to the various ministers.

“The Christian,” February 10th, 1876

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Location unknown

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