The Tollbooth Assembly Hall - D L Moody (1873)

The wonderful work of God goes on in Edinburgh. The evening meetings in the third week of the movement were held in the Free Assembly Hall, and in the Established Church Assembly Hall, now occupied as the church of the Tolbooth parish. The meetings in both places were crowded every night, the number of inquirers increased, and many were led to give themselves to Christ. On Sunday morning Mr Moody preached to young men in the Free Assembly Hall at nine o'clock. The place was filled to overflowing, admission being by ticket, and the vast audience was deeply moved by the sermon. At the close of the service, a gentleman stood up and appealed to Mr Moody for another effort among the young men. Mr Moody said that if those present would work to get up another meeting for unconverted young men, he would address them; and he asked those who were willing to work to stand up. The whole audience stood en masse, and the second meeting was held on Friday. Sunday evening was a remarkable time of blessing. The Free Assembly Hall, the Established Assembly Hall, and the Free High Church, were all filled to overflowing and Free St John's almost filled. All denominational differences were forgotten. Professor Charteris spoke in a Free Church, Professor Blaikie spoke in the Established Church, and brethren from all parts of the country came together in the unity of a common need and a common Saviour. Only those who understand the denominational position in Scotland can appreciate the significance of this fact.

The meetings in the Tolbooth parish church, the Assembly Hall, begun on Tuesday, the 5th, and, closed on Monday the 15th and the week proved to be one of great blessing. Night after night, the crowds seeking admission grew larger, the interest and solemnity of the audience increased, and, though pressed. The meeting on Sunday evening was specially impressive. The people were admitted by ticket, but the crowd was so great that ticket-holders could not get access to the door. In the circumstances, the doors were opened, and in a few minutes, every seat and passage and stair of the church were packed with eager listeners. Short addresses were delivered by the Rev. George Wilson, minister of the church, the Rev Professor Blaikie, of the Free Church College, and the Rev Mr Rose, from Brechin. Mr Sankey sang "The Gates Ajar," and "Room among the Angels;" and everyone present seemed to feel the power and sweetness of the Spirit in the singing of these beautiful hymns. Mr Moody looked in but did not speak, as he was more needed for the crowded meetings in Free St. John's and the Free Assembly Hall; and though many had come to hear Mr Moody's stirring address, the large audience gave no signs of disappointment or impatience. The movement is already beyond the agents, and men and women are earnestly seeking to know the living Christ. 

The inquiry meetings grew with the increasing interest in the gospel addresses. There were soldiers from the Castle, husbands with their anxious wives and Christian wives with their anxious husbands; young men from banks, and college, and workshop; old men of more than sixty years of age; Sunday - school teachers in deep distress; and men who had been sceptics and blasphemers--all bowed under a sense of sin and seeking to know the Saviour. The results of this wonderful work will not be fully known till the great day that opens all secrets, but many left that anxious room believing that God had sought them out and saved them, and surely there are few sights that more deeply thrill the Christian's heart than to see the light of a new life on the face of one who has obtained a saving look of their blessed Redeemer. The concluding meeting, on the Monday evening, was one for prayer, while Mr Moody was addressing the anxious and the young converts in the Free Assembly Hall. The church was filled and ministers of all denominations were present--one in the unity of love and prayer, pleading with God to bless his heritage. The Christians in Edinburgh are forgetting everything but their oneness in Christ, many who stood apart from the work at first are coming in with sympathy and help. Among those in sympathy with the movement are distinguished ministers in all the churches, professors in the University and leading merchants in the city. God's spirit is moving on the hearts of the people and the labours of the dear brethren from America are being blessed to the salvation of souls. Requisitions are daily coming in from all parts of the country for the services of these brethren.

"The Christian", December 24th, 1873.

Additional Information

This was where the Established Church Assembly Hall was.

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