United Presbyterian Church, Galston (1874)

Sharing the advantages and disadvantages of mining industry, this village, with a population of upwards of 4,000, mostly connected with mining operations, has reaped a wonderful spiritual blessing. By the end of three weeks of prayer in the United Presbyterian Church, many had been crying out, "What must I do to be saved?" and a few had decided for Christ. These meetings were suspended, from a variety of causes, but a band of laymen formed themselves into an evangelistic committee, under whose auspices the work has continued since the month of April.

It is computed that upwards of 400 have come under conversion or one in every ten of the population. These are of all ages, from twelve to eighty, but the majority are young men and women.

The meetings have been well attended, on week-nights by from 200 to 300, and on Sabbath evenings by, on an average; 700. Inquiry meetings until of late succeeded every service, and many took advantage of them. On certain occasions as many as fifty anxious have been spoken to. Such meetings have been highly blessed, the workers at these after-meetings being members of the committee and intelligent young converts.

Cottage meetings are instituted all over the place, which promise to be well attended.

"The Christian," October 29th, 1874.

THIS village is at present, and for nine months past has been, enjoying a large spiritual blessing. Evangelistic work is carried on by a committee of laymen, representing all denominations who avoid everything in the shape of proselytising. The blessing which has attended the labours of the American Evangelists, Messrs Moody and Sankey early reached this place. Not a few were to be found inquiring, "What must I do to be saved?" and a good many professed to receive Christ as their Saviour. Since that time special services have been kept up. At present Mr D M Cameron, an evangelist of the United Presbyterian Church is labouring here with every appearance of good results. His labours are highly appreciated. Services are conducted in the Good Templars Hall every night of the week (Wednesday excepted), and are followed by inquiry meetings, which are largely taken advantage of.

The gospel presented in simplicity, passages of the word and the singing of it in hymns, appear to have all been blessed. After nine months the interest is unabated; young and old seem to be daily pressing into the Kingdom. Our Wednesday work consists of cottage prayer meetings, fourteen of which are carried on in the town, besides others in surrounding villages, the attendance in the aggregate being over 300. At one small colliery hamlet great earnestness is apparent. The people had been in general careless non-church-goers, many of them improvident and dissipated, but many are now regular attendants at the daily worship, a few have publicly professed to be Christ's, and in several of the houses prayer meetings are regularly
held. Ninety, young and old, were present at one of these. A children's meeting, begun in July, is held each Saturday evening, the attendance varying from 100 to 300; some interesting cases could be reported in connection with this. It is expected that Mr Cameron's labours will continue to the end of January. The committee solicit the prayers of God's people that the work may be extended and deepened and that many more may be brought into the fold. 

"Times of Blessing," Dec 24th, 1874.

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