Christ Church, Everton (1873)

'The Liverpool Weekly Mercury says:-Speaking at the diocesan conference, held at Chester this week, the Rev W H Aitken, of Christ Church, Liverpool, referred to what was now going forward at Liverpool. He said the blessing of God Almighty was
resting abundantly upon that mission, as was testified by outward and unmistakable signs. The churches had been very well
filled, in some cases crammed. In the whole course of his experience never had seen a congregation as he had seen in his own church on the previous night, which was filled with men and women, the greater part of whom he would think had not entered a place of worship for years. There were ragged persons, men who had evidently just returned from work, unwashed, and women with shawls over their heads, evidently not possessing bonnets, All sorts and all kinds had been cramming it, especially during the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights, the numbers increasing rather than diminishing each night. The deep and unmistakable attention of the people had been borne witness to by all who spoke on the subject at the conference respecting the mission on Wednesday. The attention in his own church was something startling. During a pause the silence was as the silence of death. There was also a wonderful readiness in the people to stay after the service, and the difficulty had been to find who among them were waiting for spiritual advice and counsel. Hundreds would remain after the sermon to a second meeting, to be again addressed, and to hear more of the words of religious life. He could not help feeling that God the Holy Ghost was really working in the town of Liverpool. 

"The Christian", October 30th, 1873.

This report, including the one regarding St Saviour's Everton, leads me to believe that there was a revival atmosphere over the UK. This mission was going on at the same time as D L Moody was in Newcastle, Darlington etc. 

Additional Information

Built 1848, destroyed in the 2 World War.

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