Dunoon (1875)

Knowing that many of the Lord's people make the beautiful shores of the Clyde their home in summer, I thought it might not be uninteresting to them to have a short sketch of the work here. It began some five or six months ago when a deputation of the "Glasgow Young Men," held a series of meetings here. 

The good work begun then has been carried on since by various servants of the Lord, whose zeal and labour in the Master's cause have been largely owned and blessed. The ministers of the Free and the United Presbyterian Churches have also taken a great part in the work, and have greatly encouraged and helped the young converts, who now number nearly 100, by their addresses and prayers. There are at the present time three or four evangelistic services held in the neighbourhood every week, besides prayer meetings. The prayer meetings and services are all well attended and chiefly by working people and occasionally there are inquirers.

The hymns, which are great favourites - as wherever they are heard they seem to be the same are very well sung; the addresses are earnest and full of plain gospel truth; and the prayers are earnest and pleading, and full of love for souls.

A Young Men's Christian Association was formed here in the beginning of November, and has now sixty members on its roll, and has become a great influence for good over the town and neighbourhood. The professed converts are standing well, having come out clearly on the Lord's side from the first, though many of the young men had previously been notorious characters for drinking and all evil. Most of them now are total abstainers, as they acknowledge drink to be the curse of Dunoon, as of Britain, and maintain that it is drink which is still keeping many of their companions away from Christ.

We are deeply grateful for the blessings received here, but would still plead for more and more to follow. To the Lord be praise for the past blessings received!

"Times of Blessing,"Feb 25th, 1875.

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