East Ord (1874)

The Rev G G Macdonald of Ordiquhill and Ord spoke of times of blessing in his congregation. Ordained to the ministry in the first week of this year, he has been honoured to see about 100 gathered in, according to their own profession, since then. Among the outward evidences of spiritual prosperity in his flock, may be mentioned the fact that a prayer meeting for young men has an attendance of about 50; while the ordinary congregational prayer meeting is attended by close upon 300. - This in a country district speaks of widespread and lively interest in divine things.

"Times of Blessing," April 25th, 1874.

THREE weeks ago the committee which has charge of the special services began nightly meetings in East Ord, which is a village about two miles to the south of Berwick. The room accommodates about 120. From the first it was well-filled. The reports which were given in daily at the noon-day prayer meeting showed that a deepening impression was being made on the people. On Tuesday last, Mr George Mossman, student, reported that he had conducted the service on the previous evening. Being unassisted, he had to lead the singing, and do everything himself. As on former occasions, no one remained to be spoken to; but he felt convinced, from the appearance of the people, that if there had been anyone to assist him in an after-meeting, some good results would have been seen. On Wednesday, the Rev Robert Scott reported that guided by the information he had received on the preceding day, he had taken with him to East Ord six of his choir, one of his elders, and two young ladies whom he considered qualified to converse with inquirers. On arriving at the village, he found a solemn impression had been made by the sudden death of a woman who had been at the meeting on the previous evening. The meeting was large and most attentive. The choir rendered good service by "singing the gospel: His elder had great liberty in speaking from the words, "Lay hold on eternal life?" He himself followed with an address from the words, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." The first meeting lasted an hour. Only three persons left before the prayer meeting began. At the close of the prayer meeting he intimated that he and some friends would be happy to converse with any who might be anxious about salvation. Knowing the unwillingness of the people to remain for conversation, he instructed his elder and the two young ladies to go out with the people, and if they saw any about the door apparently anxious, to invite them to come in. Everyone of the audience left. He remained behind with the members of the choir, and began singing the hymn, "More to follow." Before they had finished the second verse, his friends returned, bringing with them upwards of thirty persons, many of them in deep anxiety and distress. He said the unexpected sight of so many anxious inquirers quite overcame him. They were spoken to for about an hour. The reports given in by Rev R. Crozier and Rev W. Lauder, who have conducted the services on subsequent evenings, show that the work is deepening and increasing. Many of those who were in deep anxiety on the first evening are now in possession of the peace which comes through believing. The
inquirers and converts are suffering much from the ridicule of ungodly companions, and they need the prayers and sympathy of God's people. The meeting conducted every night by young men in the Mission Hall, Hatter's Lane, is well attended, and the results are very encouraging. Mr G. Mossman reported today that by invitation he attended yesterday the weekly prayer meeting conducted by the boys attending the British School. A large number were present. Four boys engaged in prayer. Their petitions showed great knowledge and experience of divine truth. Eight remained as inquirers; some of them had been impressed at an early stage of the movement but had fallen into a state of deadness through neglect of prayer and reading the word. The Corn Exchange meeting, held on the evening of Sabbath last, was one of the largest and most encouraging that have been held since the beginning of the movement, fourteen weeks ago.

"Times of Blessings," April 30th, 1874.

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