Hawick (1860)

Whilst so many places in our land have been visited by seasons of religious awakening, a deep interest has been taken in the subject by many in this town; and never, we believe, was there so much united prayer and fervent desire that the blessing might descend upon us also, and thar the prevailing spirit of religious apathy might be broken in upon by the influence of the Divine Spirit. We rejoice that at present there is every reason to believe that a steady religious awakening is going on in the town. A few weeks ago, a series of meetings was commenced in Wilton by two brothers, named Matthewson, who are employed as masons on the railway works. These meetings were held in private houses or in the open air almost nightly, on which occasions the young men were frequently assisted by some of their companions. Latterly, one or two of the ministers have assisted these young men; and every night there are crowds, anxious about the concerns of their souls, who stay to converse with them. We have even heard of one or two cases of physical prostration among those who have attended these meetings, but this does not seem to be at all the usual result of the anxiety awakened.-Southern Reporter.

"The Scottish Guardian," July 7th, 1860.

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