Irvine (1859)

Dear Sir,— You will rejoice to know that the work of the Lord is going on here with increased interest. Jesus of Nazareth is indeed in our midst, in the power of His blessed Spirit, preaching the gospel to the poor, healing the broken-hearted, preaching deliverance to the captives, and giving sight to the blind. Truly this is the acceptable year of the Lord.

Six public meetings are held weekly in the different places of worship; and although these meetings are by no means so numerously attended as they were some weeks ago, yet we have reason to think that good is being done, as some of our ministers can testify, from the number of sin-stricken souls that wait upon them, seeing to be guided to the so the Saviour. The greatest evidence, however, of the Master's presence is manifest in the private meetings which are many, with between twenty and thirty held weekly.

Those taking part in these meetings are encouraged beyond measure. The answer to prayer being so strikingly evident, scarcely a meeting closes without proof of some soul being convicted, or another who may have been under conviction for weeks, perhaps months, giving evidence of the new birth. In one of our schools, the blessed Spirit has been poured out upon the pupil teachers. One of their number seemed to have been passed by, and the others made him a subject of special prayer. He was induced to attend a private meeting and there made the subject of special prayer. He complained at the close of having been rather personally dealt with and intimated that if this personal dealing was to be continued he would not again attend the meeting. The Spirit however was at work. At another meeting the same lad was there - earnest prayer still offered on his behalf; still no evidence of change. Another meeting in a different house, the lad is there and is observed to be in a state of deep concern. He is asked whether he should like to retire to a secret place, to which he agrees. His companion engages in prayer; while so engaged the lad is stricken down, remaining insensible for a considerable time. During this solemn period the mind seemed at times to be in deadly combat with some object. He was conveyed home on the following morning and is now considered a hopeful case of conversion.

I am happy to inform you that the Fullarton Street Sabbath Evening Meetings are enjoying a large share of the Spirit's presence. Evidently, your prayers are being heard on behalf of these meetings. Sabbath before last the meeting was addressed by a convert from Dalry. The house was filled to overflowing. The speaker opened the book of his own heart, and chose for his text "What he once was; what he now is," and in conclusion showed what every sinner will be who comes to God through Christ. At the close about thirty remained for conversation. Several converts also remained and took part.  were spent i and took part.

Sabbath last the meeting was addressed by the Rev. Mr M'Aulay from Edinburgh, who chose for his text Zech. xii.10. The meeting, as usual, was crowded, the address most impressive, and at the close about thirty anxious souls remained to hear a word of consolation. O, Sir, of all the meetings on earth, these second meetings appear to me to be the most solemn.

A little boy, about ten years of age, on returning home one evening, began to pray. He had evidently been impressed with a prayer offered in the meeting. On the following day he was observed forming the centre of a little circle of companions, with uplifted hands, and earnestly asking our Father in Heaven to bless the little hearers. A Roman Catholic was attracted to the spot, listened, wept, and was heard to exclaim, "Surely this is the work of the Lord, and if little boys like this can thus pray, shame upon those who have grown up to old age in neglect of this duty."

"The Wynd Journal," January 7th, 1860


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