Portree (1861)

The Rev. Mr Reid addressed the Assembly. Throughout various parts of Skye, he said, the revival has been progressing in a remarkable way. Sometimes there were no visible instruments. Some were awakened sitting by their own fireside, some on returning home. Some after leaving the meetings apparently very little concerned would be overpowered on the way home, so as to be found rolling on the road crying for mercy; and there had been a few cases of persons awakened at midnight both from their spiritual and natural sleep, by perhaps some single text they had heard the night before coming home with power to their hearts. The blessing had been chiefly confined to those between the ages of sixteen and twenty-four-though there were some aged persons converted - and some of their schools had been remarkably visited. The fruits of the revival had been very satisfactory. The outflowing of love for each other among the converts was great; open sin had disappeared, such as Sabbath profanation; family worship is all but universal where it was scarcely known before; and there is a great thirst for the private reading, as well as the public hearing of the Word of God.

"The Wynd Journal," June 8th, 1861.

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